

Coordinatore: Renato Capozzi

The objective of the Doctorate is the training of a researcher prepared to express international skills, with independent critical research skills and high scientific specialization in Architecture, a research field that identifies complex problems that require strong interdisciplinarity and dialogue between skills and knowledge.
The training project is characterized by four Thematic Areas that express the plurality of disciplinary identities capable of giving a balanced response to complex issues to be treated culturally and scientifically in an intersectoral form.
The educational objectives of the Doctorate are oriented to the formation of profiles equipped with the theoretical and practical tools for an interpretative knowledge of contemporary reality, in order to express cognitive, analytical and propositional skills in planning and project of transformation, in integrated assessment, in conservation, in the restoration and regeneration of artifacts and territorial, urban, architectural and environmental contexts, with a deep sensitivity for the socio-economic, historical, urban, landscape and environmental values ​​of our territories.
The Doctorate makes use of multi-year cooperation activities between the various disciplinary areas and relations with Italian and foreign research bodies, also in order to ensure the inclusion of future researchers in the international scientific community and in production processes.

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